We at Yooto’pea Golf want to share the fun that we are all having while wearing our Yooto’pea Gear. We want to do this via a #wearsyootpea campaign. Where do you wear your Yooto’pea Gear? Not only do we want to see when you wear your gear on the range or on the course, but also during everyday activities that you might be doing while sporting some of our gear. You can be wearing a bracelet, glove, t-shirt, towel, hat or shirt…snap a pic!!! Snap a pic in the most outrageous, fun, crazy and weird places that you might be!! Let’s make it fun!!!
Post pics to twitter and instagram with the hashtag #wearsyootopea or simply e-mail your pic to info@yootpeagolf.com and we will post them for you!
twitter id. yootopea
instagram id. yootopeagolf